- Acevedo, Elizabeth
- Adams, Elle
- Ahdieh, Renée
- Ahlborn, Ania
- Alberts, Diane
- Alderman, Naomi
- Alexander, S.B.
- Alexander, Shannon Lee
- Allen, Kristine
- Allen, Sarah Addison
- Allyn, Anya
- Amelie, Fisher
- Amsden, Christine
- Anderson, Natalie
- Andrews, Ilona
- Andrews, V.C.
- Angeles, Patricia
- Anna, Vivi
- Arenson, Daniel
- Argyle, Amber
- Arthur, Keri
- Asebedo, Miranda
- Asher, Jay
- Ashwood, Lenore
- Atwood, Margaret
- Backman, Fredrik
- Baggott, Julianna
- Baker, Kinley
- Bala, Suruthi
- Bard, A.B.
- Barker, Constance
- Deceptive Potion, A (Happy Blendings Witch #5)
- Drop in the Potion, A (Happy Blendings Witch #3)
- Formidable Potion, A (Happy Blendings Witch #6)
- Notion of a Potion, A (Happy Blendings Witch #4)
- Pumpkin Potion Explosion, A (Happy Blendings Witch #2)
- Risky Potion, A (Happy Blendings Witch #7)
- Potion Commotion, The (Happy Blendings Witch #1)
- Barnevald, Vanessa
- Barry, Brunonia
- Barry, Quan
- Bartoletti, Susan Campbell
- Bass, Ron
- Bateman, Rachel
- Becker, Lisa
- Beckett, Lilly
- Begley, Jamie
- Birch, Kate Jarvik
- Bischoff, Susan
- Blackwelder, Ami
- Blair, Selma
- Blanchard, Alice
- Blanchard, Gypsy-Rose
- Blatty, William Peter
- Blythe, Augusta
- Bohjalian, Chris
- Boose, Greg
- Boring, Belinda
- Bosco, Sally
- Bourgeois, Sara
- Braithwaite, Oyinkan
- Breaux, Kevin James
- Brice, Amanda
- Bruce, Terri
- Bryan, J.L.
- Burke, Rachel
- Caine, Rachel
- Calvani, Mayra
- Campbell, Michele
- Cannon, Sarra
- Carlie, Angela
- Carmichael, Kim
- Carter, Aimee
- Cassidy, Dakota
- Ain't Love a Witch? (Witchless in Seattle #6)
- Carnage in a Pear Tree (Marshmallow Hollow Mysteries #4)
- Dewitched (Witchless In Seattle #3)
- Good Witch Hunting (Witchless in Seattle #7)
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Witness (Marshmallow Hollow Mysteries #2)
- How the Witch Stole Christmas (Witchless In Seattle #5)
- Jingle all the Slay (Marshmallow Hollow Mysteries #1)
- One Corpse Open Slay (Marshmallow Hollow Mysteries #3)
- Quit Your Witchin' (Witchless In Seattle #2)
- Old Witcheroo, The (Witchless In Seattle #4)
- What Not to Were (Paris Texas #2)
- White Witchmas (Paris Texas #4)
- Witch Is The New Black (Paris Texas #2)
- Witch Slapped (Witchless In Seattle #1)
- Witch Way Did He Go? (Witchless in Seattle #8)
- Witched At Birth (Paris Texas #1)
- Cast, Kristin
- Cast, P.C.
- Cellier, Melanie
- Cervantes, J.C.
- Chainani, Soman
- Chamblee, Genevive
- Chapman, Brynn
- Chappell, Crissa-Jean
- Charbonneau, Joelle
- Chase, Annabel
- Chen, Mike
- Child, Maureen
- Childs, Laura
- Childs, Lisa
- Chupeco, Rin
- Clare, Cassandra
- City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2)
- City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)
- City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments #4)
- City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3)
- City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6)
- City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5)
- Clockwork Angel (Infernal Devices #1)
- Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices #2)
- Clcokwork Princess (Infernal Devices #3)
- Clare, Kelly St.
- Clayton, Paul
- Clements, Sally
- Cole, Courtney
- Cole, Emm
- Colgan, Jenny
- Collins, J.L.
- Condie, Ally
- Connolly, Sheila
- Connolly, Tina
- Coon, Kelly
- Corrigan, Elizabeth
- Coyle, J. Q.
- Crane, Julia
- Cross, Julie
- Crouch, Blake
- Crowe, Cas E.
- Cruise, David
- Cruz, Melissa de la
- Dalton, Quinn
- Dashner, James
- Dave, Laura
- Davies, Brenda K.
- Davis, Kaitlyn
- Davis, Lorri
- Dawn, Michelle
- Dawson, Trish Marie
- Dean, Abigail
- Dear, Elizabeth
- deMora, MariaLisa
- Dennard, Susan
- Dennis, Bryan R.
- Dennis, Mike
- Derby, Ally
- DeStefano, Lauren
- DeTarsio, Dee
- Develin, S.W.
- Devoti, Lori
- Dillon, Elena
- DiSpirito, Matt
- Dixon, Larry
- Dobbs, Leighann
- Donlea, Charlie
- Donnelly, Jennifer
- Donovan, Dahlia
- Donovan, Stacey
- Douglas, John E.
- Dover, L. P.
- Doyle, Carrie
- Dubats, Sally
- Duncan, Megan
- Echols, Damien
- Eden, Anise
- Ee, Susan
- Elizabeth, C.
- Elizabeth, Jordan
- Ellison, J.T.
- Ellison, Kate Avery
- Elston, Ashley
- Erickson, David Ross
- Ernshaw, Shea
- Espinosa, Karina
- Everett, Sarah
- Falls, Bella
- Feehan, Christine
- Felton, Tom
- Fisher, Tarryn
- Fitzpatrick, Lynne
- Fixmer, Elizabeth
- Flinn, Alex
- Flynn, Gillian
- Forman, Gayle
- Foster, M. A.
- Fowley-Doyle, Moïra
- French, Eden
- Gailey, Sarah
- Garcia, Kami
- Garrett, Danielle
- Evergreen Elves (Winter Witches of Holiday Haven #12)
- Frosting and Fairies (Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries #4)
- Grimoires and Gingerbread (Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries #2)
- Hexes and Honey Buns (Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries #5)
- Mermaids and Meringue (Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries #3)
- Peppermint Pixies (Winter Witches of Holiday Haven #7)
- Sprinkles and Sea Serpents (Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries #1)
- Sugar Cookies and Sirens (Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries #4)
- Gayle, Catherine
- Breakaway (Portland Storm #1)
- Bury the Hatchet (Tulsa Thunderbirds #1)
- Comeback (Portland Storm #6)
- Defensive Zone (Portland Storm #10)
- Delay of Game (Portland Storm #4)
- Double Major (Portland Storm #4.5)
- Dropping Gloves (Portland Storm #7)
- Holiday Hat Trick (Portland Storm #5.5)
- Home Ice (Portland Storm #7.5)
- In the Zone (Portland Storm #5)
- Light the Lamp (Portland Storm #3)
- On the Fly (Portland Storm #2)
- Power Play (Portland Storm #11)
- Smoke Signals (Tulsa Thunderbirds #2)
- Taking a Shot (Portland Storm #2.5)
- Gaylin, Alison
- Gehrman, Jody
- George, Melanie
- Giarratano, Kimberly G.
- Gibson, Jessica
- Giglio, Juliet
- Giglio, Keith
- Gilman, Sarah
- Gilmore, R.M.
- Girardi, Ashley
- Glatt, John
- Goldin, Megan
- Gomez, Anna
- Goodman, Jessica
- Gorman, Michelle
- Gornichec, Genevieve
- Graham, Heather
- Grasso, William Peter
- Gray, Claudia
- Grayson, Josh
- Grayson, Kay
- Grech, Ann
- Green, John
- Green, Lisa Gail
- Grey, Jessica
- Grey, S.R.
- Griffin, McCarty
- Griffiths, Alison
- Gross, Michelle
- Gurtler, Janet
- Hagen, Layla
- Cherish Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #8)
- Flirting with the CEO (The Whitley Brothers #4)
- Just One Kiss (Very Irresistible Bachelors #2)
- Kiss Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #4)
- Love Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #5)
- Promise Me Forever (Maxwell Brothers #1)
- Show Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #3)
- Tempt Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #7)
- Haley, Cameron
- Halvorsen, Theresa
- Hamilton, Kersten
- Hamilton, Rebecca
- Hammaker, Shana
- Hand, Cynthia
- Harper, Lana
- Harrell, Renee
- Harris, Charlaine
- Harris, Rachel
- Harris, Ruth
- Harris, Sherry
- Harris, Zakiya Dalila
- Harrow, Alix E.
- Hartwell, Sadie
- Hawkins, Rachel
- Haygert, Juliana
- Headlee, Kim
- Helmstetter, Kristen
- Hemmings, Kaui Hart
- Hendricks, Greer
- Hendrix, Grady
- Hendrix, Sheila
- Henkel-Aislinn, Nala
- Henry, Lisa
- Hepworth, Sally
- Hickam, Jessica
- Hickman, Patricia
- Hines, Zach
- Hocking, Amanda
- Holcombe, Elizabeth
- Horowitz, Lauren Bird
- Howard, Catherine Ryan
- Howard, Laura
- Huggins, S.A.
- Hugo, Lynne
- Hunt, Courtney
- Huynh, Carolyn
- Jackson, Holly
- Jackson, K.M.
- Jakobsdóttir, Katrín
- James, Morgan
- James, Simone St.
- Jean, Emiko
- Jefford, Nikki
- Jemisin, N.K.
- Jensen, Megg
- Jewell, Lisa
- Johansson, J.R.
- Johnson, Erin
- Johnston, E.K.
- Jolie, Billy
- Jones, Linda Winstead
- Jones, Rodney
- Jones, Sandie
- Juba, Stacy
- Jónasson, Ragnar
- Kane, Darby
- Kane, Jackson
- Kang, Lydia
- Karras, Allison
- Kate, Lauren
- Katsoulis, Gregory Scott
- Kava, Alex
- Kell, Sheila
- Kelley, Brittany
- Kelly, Damien
- Kincaid, S.J.
- Kling, Heidi R.
- Koontz, Dean
- Kuper, Tonya
- Lackey, Mercedes
- Arrow's Fall (Heralds of Valdemar #3)
- Arrow's Flight (Heralds of Valdemar #2)
- Arrows of the Queen (Heralds of Valdemar #1)
- Bastion (Collegium Chronicles #5)
- Beyond (The Founding of Valdemar #1)
- Boundaries (Tales of Valdemar #15)
- Brightly Burning (Valdemar)
- By the Sword (Valdemar)
- Changes (Collegium Chronicles #3)
- Changing the World (Tales of Valdemar #5)
- Choices (Tales of Valdemar #12)
- Closer to Home (The Herald Spy #1)
- Closer to the Chest (The Herald Spy #3)
- Closer to the Heart (The Herald Spy #2)
- Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar (Tales of Valdemar #3)
- Crucible (Tales of Valdemar #9)
- Exile's Honor (Alberich's Tale #1)
- Exile's Valor (Alberich's Tale #2)
- Eye Spy (Family Spies #2)
- Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar (Tales of Valdemar #6)
- Foundation (Collegium Chronicles #1)
- Gryphon in Light (Kelvren's Saga #1)
- Harvest Moon
- Into the West (The Founding of Valdemar #2)
- Intrigues (Collegium Chronicles #2)
- Magic's Pawn (The Last Herald-Mage #1)
- Magic's Price (The Last-Herald Mage #3)
- Magic's Promice (The Last-Herald Mage #2)
- Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar (Tales of Valdemar #4)
- No True Way (Tales of Valdemar #8)
- Oathblood (Vows and Honor #3)
- Oathbreakers (Vows and Honor #2)
- Owlflight (Owl Mage Trilogy #1)
- Owlknight (Owl Mage Trilogy #3)
- Owlsight (Owl Mage Trilogy #2)
- Passages (Tales of Valdemar #14)
- Pathways (Tales of Valdemar #11)
- Redoubt (Collegium Chronicles #4)
- Seasons (Tales of Valdemar #13)
- Shenanigans (Tales of Valdemar #16)
- Spy, Spy Again (Family Spies #3)
- Storm Breaking (Mage Storms #3)
- Storm Rising (Mage Storms #2)
- Storm Warning (Mage Storms #1)
- Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar (Tales of Valdemar #2)
- Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar (Tales of Valdemar #1)
- Take a Thief (Valdemar)
- Black Gryphon, The (Mage Wars #1)
- Hills Have Spies, The (Family Spies #1)
- Oathbound, The (Vows and Honor #1)
- Silver Gryphon, The (Mage Wars #3)
- White Gryphon, The (Mage Wars #2)
- Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar (Tales of Valdemar #6)
- Valdemar (The Founding of Valdemar #3)
- Winds of Change (Mage Winds #2)
- Winds of Fate (Mage Winds #1)
- Winds of Fury (Mage Winds #3)
- Lagercrantz, David
- Lake, Nick
- LaManna, Gina
- Lapena, Shari
- Lark, Jennifer
- Larsson, Stieg
- LaRue, William D.
- Lauren, Christina
- Laurie, Victoria
- LaZebnik, Claire
- Le, Loan
- LeBlanc, Deborah
- Lee, Amanda M.
- Bat Out of Spell (Elemental Witches of Eternal Springs #1)
- Freaky Crush (Mystic Caravan #15)
- Freaky Crypts (Mystic Caravan #14)
- Freaky Days (Mystic Caravan #1)
- Freaky Fangs (Mystic Caravan #9)
- Freaky Games (Mystic Caravan #4)
- Freaky Gifts (Mystic Caravan #12)
- Freaky Hearts (Mystic Caravan #3)
- Freaky Lies (Mystic Caravan #2)
- Freaky Mage (Mystic Caravan #11)
- Freaky Places (Mystic Caravan #5)
- Freaky Reapers (Mystic Caravan #8)
- Freaky Rites (Mystic Caravan #6)
- Freaky Seas (Mystic Caravan #10)
- Freaky Sights (Mystic Caravan #13)
- Freaky Witches (Mystic Caravan #7)
- Luke on the Loose (Mystic Caravan #8.5)
- Lee, Harper
- Lee, Karalynn
- Lee, Michael
- Leighton, M.
- Leno, Katrina
- Lesperance, Nicole
- Levenseller, Tricia
- Lewis, James W.
- Lieberman, Ben
- Liggett, Kim
- Lim, Lisa
- Lin, Judy I.
- Liu, Ken
- Lond, Laura
- Lovelace, Merline
- Lowry, Lois
- Lu, Marie
- Lutchen, Amy Joy
- Lux, Claudia
- Lyn, Heather
- Lynn, Kelley
- Lynskey, Ed
- Mackintosh, Sophie
- Mady, Elyse
- Mafi, Tahereh
- Magee, Jamie
- Maggi, Nicole
- Maguire, Hannah
- Malerman, Josh
- Malpass, T.W.
- Mandel, Emily St. John
- Marr, Elle
- Marsden, Carolyn
- Martin, George R. R.
- Mason, H.R.
- Masters, Louisa
- Mathieu, Jennifer
- Matrisciani, Michele
- Maxwell, Edith
- Maxwell, Lisa
- Maya, Tara
- McCann, Anthony
- McCarry, Sarah
- McConnel, Jen
- McCreight, Kimberly
- McInnes, Annabelle
- McKay, Faith
- McLaughlin, Kate
- McManus, Karen M.
- McMichael, B. Kristin
- McNeil, Skye
- Merriam, Michael
- Mesick, Catherine
- Michallon, Clémence
- Michelle, P. T.
- Mickelson, Caroline
- Miller, Kayt
- Chase (Zodiac Hills #1)
- Cortland (The Palmer Sisters #4)
- Cranky Pants (Pick-up Lines #1)
- DadBod
- Deadhead (Bedhead #3)
- Double-Dog Dare (Pick-up Lines #3)
- FarmBoy
- Finn (Zodiac Hills #2)
- Game Changer
- Give It a Whirl
- Happy Go Lucky
- Hopeful Romantic
- It's Like Riding a Bike
- Keely (The Palmer Sisters #5)
- Lucky Charmer (Pick-up Lines #2)
- Lucy Locket (Heels, Crimes, and Nursery Rhymes #23)
- Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye (Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye #1)
- Molly (The Palmer Sisters #7)
- Murder in the Stacks (Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye #2)
- Quirky Girl (The Flynn Family #6)
- Redhead (Bedhead #2)
- Sadie (The Palmer Sisters #3)
- Sexy Savior (Cocky Hero Club)
- Thanks to Margie Dill
- Art of the Game, The (Flynn Family #7)
- Frozen Murder, The (Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye #3)
- Importance of Being Kennedy's, The (The Flynn Family #4)
- Portrait Painter, The
- Violet (The Palmer Sisters #6)
- Wedhead (Bedhead #4)
- Miller, Sandra
- Mills, Emma
- Miranda, Megan
- Miranda, MeiLin
- Mitchell, Saundra
- Molloy, Aimee
- Monson, Becky
- Moore, Melissa
- Moore, Phyllis H.
- Morgan, Hilarie Burton
- Morris, Robin
- Morrison, Jessica
- Mullaney-Westwood, Stephen
- Murgia, Jennifer
- Nault, Renée
- Negovetich, Sarah
- Nelson, S.
- Nevitt, Tia
- Newman, Sandra
- Nguyen, Trinity
- Nichols, Amy K.
- Nicholson, Scott
- Nijkamp, Marieke
- Niven, Jennifer
- Noel, Alyson
- Nolan, Kait
- North, Alex
- Nystrom, M.L.
- Paige, Danielle
- Dark Side of the Rainbow (Dorothy Must Die #0.8)
- Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1)
- Heart of Tin (Dorothy Must Die #0.4)
- No Place Like Oz (Dorothy Must Die #0.1)
- Order of the Wicked (Dorothy Must Die #0.7)
- Ruler of Beasts (Dorothy Must Die #0.6)
- End of Oz, The (Dorothy Must Die #4)
- Queen of Oz, The (Dorothy Must Die #0.9)
- Straw King, The (Dorothy Must Die #0.5)
- Wicked Will Rise, The (Dorothy Must Die #2)
- Witch Must Burn, The (Dorothy Must Die #0.2)
- Wizard Returns, The (Dorothy Must Die #0.3)
- Yellow Brick War (Dorothy Must Die #3)
- Paolini, Christopher
- Patrick, Phaedra
- Patterson, James
- Payne, Mary Jennifer
- Pearson, Mary E.
- Peel, Jennifer
- Peis, Sarah
- Pekkanen, Sarah
- Pendleton, Dawn
- Perez, Richard
- Perrin, Lisa
- Peters, Julie Anne
- Pike, Aprilynne
- Pinborough, Sarah
- Pine, Katherine
- Pineiro, Caridad
- Piper, Lee
- Pitcher, Chelsea
- Polaha, Kristoffer
- Popović, Lana
- Pore, James Le
- Preston, L.M.
- Preston, Natasha
- Purdy, Rebekah L.
- Purnhagen, Mara
- Raithby, Rachel M.
- Ralph, Vincent
- Ray, Katie
- Raybourn, Deanna
- Reagan, Charlotte
- Reckenwald, Sarah
- Reeds, Brandi
- Reilly, Matthew
- Reinhardt, Dana
- Reis, Natalina
- Remini, Leah
- Renae, Cameo
- Reuman, Patrick
- Rhine, Lillian Mackenzie
- Riley, Vanessa
- Rivera, Jeff
- Roberts, Jennie Lynn
- Roberts, Nora
- Roberts, S.E.
- Rock, J.A.
- Roe, Robin
- Roker, Al
- Roland, Talli
- Rose, K.D.
- Rose, Lila
- Rose, Raymond M.
- Ross, Barbara
- Ross, Jaqueline
- Roth, Veronica
- Rowe, S.J.
- Rowell, Rainbow
- Rowen, Michelle
- Rowland, Diana
- Russell, Kate Elizabeth
- Ryan, Kaylee
- Ryan, Viola
- Sagara, Michelle
- Sager, Riley
- Saito, Kira
- Salidas, Katie
- Salinas, Victor
- Salinger, J.D.
- Savage, Kim
- Schmitz, S.L.
- Schrefer, Eliot
- Scott, Jessica
- Scott, M.J.
- Seymour, Becca
- Shaw, Michelle
- Sheinmel, Alyssa B.
- Sheridan, Mia
- Shusterman, Neal
- Silver, Ruth
- Simcox, Laura
- Simonne, Andrea
- Sinclair, Jools
- Sise, Katie
- Skelton, Patrick
- Slayton, Shonna
- Smirnoff, Karin
- Snyder, Jennifer
- Sokoloff, Alexandra
- Sparrow, Wendy
- Speers, Susan
- Spencer, Kimberly
- Starr, Christie
- Stayman-London, Kate
- Sterling, Erin
- Sterling, Michelle Min
- Stern, Phil
- Stevenson, Benjamin
- Stohl, Margaret
- Stoltz, Adrienne
- Stone, Eleri
- Stone, H.S.
- Stone, Nic
- Sundquist, Josh
- Sylvan, Dianne
- Szewczyk, Elaine
- Talbot, Edward G.
- Tappan, Tracy
- Tarr, Hope
- Taylor, Laini
- Teller, Danielle
- Tetreault, Christina
- Thomas, Kara
- Thompson, Alicia
- Thompson, Gregory M.
- Thompson, Karri
- Thorpe, Kara
- Thorpe, Rufi
- Timmer, Julie Lawson
- Ting, Mary
- Tirado, Vincent
- Toboso, Yana
- Tolkien, J.R.R.
- Towles, Amor
- Tremblay, Paul
- Tucholke, April Genevieve
- Tucker, Nancy
- Tyrpak, Suzanne
- Wahrer, Caitlin
- Walters, Damien Angelica
- Walton, Julia
- Walton, Leslye
- Ward, Jas T.
- Way, Camilla
- Weatherford, Lacey
- Blood of the White Witch (Of Witches and Warlocks #3)
- Chasing Nikki (Chasing Nikki #1)
- Finding Chase (Chasing Nikki #2)
- Possession of Souls (Of Witches and Warlocks #5)
- Dark Rising, The (Of Witches and Warlocks #4)
- Demon Kiss, The (Of Witches and Warlocks #2)
- Trouble with Spells, The (Of Witches and Warlocks #1)
- Weil, J.L.
- Weir, Andy
- Westerfeld, Scott
- Williams, Jen
- Williams, Katie
- Winters, Ben H.
- Woodfolk, Ashley
- Woon, Yvonne
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