5.25.2021 | Tuesday

Double-Dog Dare

category: Book Reviews

Double-Dog Daretitle: Double-Dog Dare
author: Kayt Miller
series: Pick-up Lines #3
published: 25 May 2021
publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
genre(s): romance
pages: 271
source: client
format: eARC
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | BookBub | StoryGraph | Goodreads

rating: five-stars

the blurb

Have you ever done something so embarrassing all you want to do is crawl beneath your bed covers and never leave? No? Yeah, me neither. Okay. That’s a lie. It happened to me, Emma Perkins. All thanks to my best friend and a stupid, pathetic dare. And not just any dare––the sacrosanct Double Dog Dare no less. She Dared me to talk the hottest guy at a fancy club because, in her words, she’s tired of me “hiding in the corner of life”. I don’t know why. The corner of life is nice. It’s safe. Because a Double Dog Dare cannot be undone. I did it. I spoke to him and proceeded to humiliate myself. She swore I’d never see him again. Ha!Because of course I saw him again. One Eli Baxter.And well, I guess I should thank my best friend and her stupid dare because humiliating myself turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

my review

This is the third book in Kayt Miller’s Pick-up Lines series, and I love this one just as much as I loved the first!

The best thing about Kayt Miller’s books are her characters. Love them or hate them, they are believable, real people.

I want to be Emma’s friend. She’s whip-smart, kind, beautiful, and hilarious, even if she doesn’t always realize it. She is the kind of girl that a lot of us can relate to, which makes her all the more lovable. She’s got the same kind of self-esteem issues that many of us have, and she’s sometimes harder on herself than anyone else was. Enter Eli Baxter. He’s everything she’s told herself she’ll never have. But Eli doesn’t see things the same way.

I love the story of their relationship… the good, the bad, and the ugly. And while that is the center of the story, of course, there are other relationships and storylines that make this a book I couldn’t put down. Enter Emma’s sister and Eli’s dad. Such a great read that hits all the emotions!

This is a great read for anyone who likes a romance with more grist, a well-rounded story.

About Kayt Miller

Kayt grew up in the midwest surrounded by a loving family which included three brothers, one sister, and parents who always fostered her creative side.

Kayt wrote her first book when she couldn’t find a story about a certain type of a woman and a specific kind of man. She called it Game Changer and it couldn’t have been a more appropriate title. It changed her life in many ways.

Her goal, as a writer, is to write stories that relate to all of us, to make readers laugh and maybe cry sometimes. Kayt hopes her readers can escape into a fantasy, one that’s actually possible. Sure, some of the stories are dubbed “Insta-love” but that’s okay.

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