Pages read: 28,327
- January 4th, 2023: Carnage in a Pear Tree (Marshmallow Hollow Mysteries #4) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- January 12th, 2023: Summer of Christmas, The by Juliet Giglio, Keith Giglio/★★★½
- January 25th, 2023: Adirondack Witch, The by Patrick Reuman/★★
- January 27th, 2023: Witched At Birth (Paris Texas #1) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- February 3rd, 2023: What Not to Were (Paris Texas #2) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- February 9th, 2023: Witch Is The New Black (Paris Texas #2) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- February 23rd, 2023: White Witchmas (Paris Texas #4) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- March 1st, 2023: Unexpectedly In Love (Sherbrookes #1) by Christina Tetreault/★★★★
- March 16th, 2023: Witch Slapped (Witchless In Seattle #1) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- March 17th, 2023: 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard/★★★★★
- March 21st, 2023: Give It a Whirl by Kayt Miller/★★★★★
- March 21st, 2023: Quit Your Witchin' (Witchless In Seattle #2) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- March 29th, 2023: Once Upon A Legend (Once Upon a Legend #1) by Mary Ting/★★★★★
- April 4th, 2023: Truth About Cats & Spinsters (About Love #2) by Andrea Simonne/★★★★½
- April 4th, 2023: Dewitched (Witchless In Seattle #3) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- April 4th, 2023: Shenanigans (Tales of Valdemar #16) by Mercedes Lackey/★★★★★
- April 4th, 2023: Hers to Protect (Blackthorne Security #4) by Nicole Vidal/★★★
- April 12th, 2023: Darkness Peering by Alice Blanchard/★★★★★
- April 13th, 2023: Old Witcheroo, The (Witchless In Seattle #4) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- April 13th, 2023: Final Girls by Riley Sager/★★★★★
- April 21st, 2023: Search for Bob (We're All Connected #1) by Phyllis H. Moore/★★½
- April 26th, 2023: Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse #1) by Charlaine Harris/★★★★
- April 26th, 2023: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Millennium #1) by Stieg Larsson/★★★★½
- April 27th, 2023: How the Witch Stole Christmas (Witchless In Seattle #5) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- May 23rd, 2023: Foxy Tails by Natalina Reis/★★★★
- May 23rd, 2023: Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse, #2) by Charlaine Harris/★★★★
- May 23rd, 2023: Stubbed Toes and Dating Woes by Dahlia Donovan/★★★★★
- June 6th, 2023: Wicked Dreams (Techwitch #4) by M.J. Scott/★★★
- June 7th, 2023: Under the Blazing Stars (Love Abroad) by Becca Seymour/★★★★½
- June 8th, 2023: Girl Who Played with Fire, The (Millennium #2) by Stieg Larsson/★★★★½
- June 8th, 2023: Ain't Love a Witch? (Witchless in Seattle #6) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- June 8th, 2023: Ghost 19 by Simone St. James/★★★★½
- June 14th, 2023: Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The (Millennium #3) by Stieg Larsson/★★★★★
- June 15th, 2023: Washed Up Former Child Star Ryan Lee by Lisa Henry, J.A. Rock/★★★★½
- June 15th, 2023: Club Dead (Sookie Stackhouse #3) by Charlaine Harris/★★★★★
- June 15th, 2023: Good Witch Hunting (Witchless in Seattle #7) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- June 16th, 2023: Into the West (The Founding of Valdemar #2) by Mercedes Lackey/★★★★★
- June 16th, 2023: Girl in the Spider's Web, The (Millennium #4) by David Lagercrantz, Stieg Larsson/★★★★½
- July 3rd, 2023: Bound by Love (The Alliance #10) by Brenda K. Davies/★★★★
- July 3rd, 2023: Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone (Ernest Cunningham #1) by Benjamin Stevenson/★★★★½
- July 5th, 2023: Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye, The (Millennium #5) by David Lagercrantz/★★★★½
- July 7th, 2023: Witch Way Did He Go? (Witchless in Seattle #8) by Dakota Cassidy/★★★★
- July 19th, 2023: Girl Who Lived Twice, The (Millennium #6) by David Lagercrantz/★★★★★
- August 15th, 2023: Dead to the World (Sookie Stackhouse #4) by Charlaine Harris/★★★★
- August 15th, 2023: Dead Keen (Things Unseen #2) by Anise Eden/★★★★★
- August 15th, 2023: Tempt Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #7) by Layla Hagen/★★★★
- August 15th, 2023: Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye (Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye #1) by Kayt Miller/★★★★★
- August 20th, 2023: Freaky Days (Mystic Caravan #1) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★½
- August 22nd, 2023: Truth About Nerds & Bees (About Love #3) by Andrea Simonne/★★★
- August 24th, 2023: Enchanted Hacienda, The by J.C. Cervantes/★★★★★
- August 25th, 2023: Uncharted Waters (Getaway #1) by Sally Hepworth/★★★★½
- August 30th, 2023: Freaky Lies (Mystic Caravan #2) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★½
- September 5th, 2023: Shadow Healer (Blood Shadows #3) by Jennie Lynn Roberts/★★★★
- September 7th, 2023: Freaky Hearts (Mystic Caravan #3) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- September 8th, 2023: My Murder by Katie Williams/★★★½
- September 13th, 2023: Murder in the Stacks (Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye #2) by Kayt Miller/★★★★★
- September 14th, 2023: His Happy Place (Getaway #2) by Zakiya Dalila Harris/★★★★★
- September 14th, 2023: Fortunes of Jaded Women, The by Carolyn Huynh/★★★★★
- September 17th, 2023: Freaky Games (Mystic Caravan #4) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★½
- September 26th, 2023: Dark Corners (Rachel Krall #2) by Megan Goldin/★★★★
- September 27th, 2023: Shadow Girls, The (Natalie Lockhart #4) by Alice Blanchard/★★★★★
- September 27th, 2023: Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo/★★★★★
- September 27th, 2023: Freaky Places (Mystic Caravan #5) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- September 28th, 2023: End of Her, The by Shari Lapena/★★★★★
- October 4th, 2023: Flirting with the CEO (The Whitley Brothers #4) by Layla Hagen/★★★½
- October 10th, 2023: Freaky Rites (Mystic Caravan #6) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- October 13th, 2023: Honey Mead Murder (Honey Bear Cosy Mysteries #1) by Dahlia Donovan/★★★★★
- October 20th, 2023: Arden (Breakaway Hockey #2) by S.R. Grey/★★★★
- October 23rd, 2023: Freaky Witches (Mystic Caravan #7) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- October 26th, 2023: None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell/★★★★★
- November 2nd, 2023: Freaky Reapers (Mystic Caravan #8) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- November 3rd, 2023: Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling/★★★½
- November 4th, 2023: Luke on the Loose (Mystic Caravan #8.5) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- November 7th, 2023: Weaver and the Witch Queen, The by Genevieve Gornichec/★★★★★
- November 10th, 2023: Freaky Fangs (Mystic Caravan #9) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★
- November 14th, 2023: Does He Know? (Everlasting Ink #1) by Kaylee Ryan/★★★
- November 15th, 2023: Quiet Tenant, The by Clémence Michallon/★★★★★
- November 15th, 2023: How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days by K.M. Jackson/★★½
- November 16th, 2023: Dark Divide, The (Wayward Haunt #3) by Cas E. Crowe/★★★★½
- November 16th, 2023: Killer's Kiss (Lizzie Grace #11) by Keri Arthur/★★★★½
- November 17th, 2023: It Was Always You (The Sherbrookes #2) by Christina Tetreault/★★★★
- November 18th, 2023: Freaky Seas (Mystic Caravan #10) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- November 20th, 2023: Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle #1) by Christopher Paolini/★★★★★
- November 21st, 2023: Intern, The by Michele Campbell/★★★★★
- November 21st, 2023: Happily Haunted Afters (Happily Haunted Afters #1) by Brittany Kelley/★★½
- November 27th, 2023: Freaky Mage (Mystic Caravan #11) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- November 28th, 2023: Honey Bee Murder (Honey Bear Cosy Mysteries #2) by Dahlia Donovan/★★★★★
- November 30th, 2023: Witch's Heart, The by Genevieve Gornichec/
- December 5th, 2023: Cherish Me Forever (The Maxwell Brothers #8) by Layla Hagen/★★★★
- December 5th, 2023: Pumpkin Spice and Not So Nice by Becky Monson/★★★
- December 6th, 2023: Pumpkin and a Patch, A by Jennifer Peel/★★★★½
- December 6th, 2023: Exorcist, The (The Exorcist #1) by William Peter Blatty/★★★★★
- December 7th, 2023: Freaky Gifts (Mystic Caravan #12) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- December 15th, 2023: Coffee Self-Talk: by Kristen Helmstetter/★★★
- December 20th, 2023: Girl in the Eagle's Talons, The (Millennium #7) by Karin Smirnoff/★★★
- December 21st, 2023: Frozen Murder, The (Mabel Frye: Accidental Private Eye #3) by Kayt Miller/★★★★★
- December 23rd, 2023: Freaky Sights (Mystic Caravan #13) by Amanda M. Lee/★★★★
- December 27th, 2023: Dodge (Dragon Runners #6) by M.L. Nystrom/★★★★★