author: Kimberly Spencer
series: The Shimmer Trilogy #3
published: 1 December 2011
publisher: self-published
genre(s): fantasy, folklore, romance
pages: 71
source: bought
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | Goodreads

the blurb
Now that Jensen's dirty little secret is out, the King of the Seelie Court has ordered her capture. So if she wants to remain the master of her destiny, she must place her trust in an unexpected ally and do the one thing no one else has done before—locate Merlin's bones. Because in the game of Light versus Dark, whoever controls his bones, controls the fate of the Summer Kingdom.
my review
The last of the trilogy, Oathbound is easily my favorite of the series. The plot, the storytelling, the characters, everything was superb in this novella. As much as I enjoyed the others, this one pulled me even farther into the world the author created. As in classic fae stories, nothing and no one is as it appears and that kept me glued to this book.
Jensen had a lot more humanity in this book than in the others. In the others, she was so caught up in all of the changes and the unknown that it was as if she, as a character, just didn’t have it in her to really feel. That is not a criticism because I felt like it fit the story. She was overwhelmed and emotionally numb from it all. But in this book, it was like these things finally hit her and flooded her, and made her feel. It added a nice layer to the story, giving it a bit of non-fantasy normalcy.
I am sad to see this short series end. It was a fun read that let me escape. There was a lot of the fun and whimsy that fits the fae genre, including the use of flowery language and descriptions. But the author knew where the line was and didn’t go over it. There was a lot of darkness, too, that balanced it all.
I truly enjoyed this book, and this series!
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