author: Kimberly Spencer
series: The Shimmer Trilogy #1
published: 8 April 2011
genre(s): fantasy, folklore, romance
pages: 87
source: bought
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | Goodreads

the blurb
When sixteen-year-old Jensen Meadows finds herself caught in the middle of an ancient faerie war, she soon learns that faeries aren't made of sparkly goodness. They're vicious. And worse, they're after her. With the help of Liam Casey, she delves into their world to find her missing sister and begins to suspect that her whole life has been nothing more than a faerie tale.
But what if the truth is worse?
my review
I came across this series after exploring Amazon, looking for something new. I am a sucker for Fae stories so I grabbed the series. Shimmerspell is the first novella in the series, fairly short at about 70 pages. Despite its short length, I felt the story was full and complete without losing anything, although I would have loved MORE just because I loved the story and the characters.
I loved the plot, loosely inspired by Arthurian mythology, as well as other fairy tale elements. Told in contemporary time, Jensen Meadows is a teenage girl who is just finding out that nothing about her life is as it seems. Family, friends, the world,… everything is different. And she finds herself at the center of an ancient Fae war where the sides are not clearly drawn.
The story was well-paced and the characters were fun. The cover art is beautiful, as well. The only criticism I had for this read was the need for some more editing and proofreading. At times, it distracted from what was a great story. This is the kind of series that provides an escape.
It was a quick read but a great one! The next installment is Lore, a super short novella of about 15 pages that is a prequel to Shimmerspell. After that is Limerick.
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