11.10.2023 | Friday

Freaky Fangs

category: Book Reviews

Freaky Fangstitle: Freaky Fangs
author: Amanda M. Lee
series: Mystic Caravan #9
published: 4 February 2020
publisher: WinchesterShaw Publications
genre(s): cozy mystery, paranormal
pages: 256
source: Kindle Unlimited
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | StoryGraph | Goodreads

rating: three-stars | series rating: four-stars

the blurb

Mystic Caravan Circus is in flux. Things are shifting in the organization, new faces are joining the fray, and manager Poet Parker isn’t certain how to deal with it. Unfortunately for her, she doesn’t have time to figure it out.Kentucky is on the horizon, and a roadside accident that claims a family has caught Poet’s attention. She’s haunted by what she sees … and dreams that show her nothing but snapping teeth and flowing blood.They’ve been to the area before – Mammoth Caves is a big draw – but something appears to be amiss. It isn’t long until Poet realizes exactly what that something is … vampires. They’re nesting and taking over the entire town.Vampires are nothing new when fighting monsters with a paranormal circus. These vampires, however, are different. They’re stronger … and faster … and deadlier. In fact, they’re something older and more ruthless, and Poet has no idea how to take on this new enemy.When the vampires come for one of Mystic Caravan’s own, the time for debate is over. They live as a family. They’ll die as one, too, if need be.Poet has fought wars before but this one is going to get bloody. It’s going to take everyone working together to overcome this enemy. Even then nothing is guaranteed.

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content warning: ❗some graphic violence❗

POV: 1st person
keywords/phrases: circus, magic, vampires

  1. I’m left with very mixed feelings about this book.
  2. I did enjoy Cole and the addition of new paranormal blood to the group, the way it’s changing the dynamics.
  3. The vampire storyline was a different take on the mythology than I’ve read previously.
  4. Kade, not my favorite character in ANY of the books, really hit an all-time low with me in this book.
  5. His treatment of Poet is so cringe, mysogynistic and borderline obsessively controlling.

Freaky Fangs left me with mixed feelings. On a positive note, I love Cole’s addition to the circus. (NOTE: Cole was introduced in the side novella, Luke on the Loose, which is generally listed as #7.5 in the series. However, Cole isn’t mentioned at all in #8, and the events of Luke on the Loose take place post-#8.) As a fire elemental, he’s a new brand of paranormal for the group, and his magic has a profound effect on Poet. That whole storyline was an interesting addition to the lore of the Mystic Caravan series that I really loved. Also on a positive note, the vampire storyline was different than most vampire fiction I’ve read, which was refreshing.

But Kade… he just brought it down for me. At the best of times, he tends to annoy me, although not generally enough to affect my enjoyment of the story. Not so this time. His need to protect Poet from anything and everything is borderline obsessive and controlling. It’s all well and good to love someone, to want them to be safe, to shield them from danger and pain in the world. But his treatment of Poet is full mysogyny and suffocation. The continuing man-baby attitude when she dares to assert her autonomy is cringe.

All that being said, if you can ignore Kade, the story itself is great!

Read this if you like cozies with a paranormal twist and a side of snark.

About Amanda M. Lee

When I was a kid, I was torn between whether or not I was going to grow up and be the Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman. I flirted with being a Jedi Knight for awhile, but I wasn’t up for the intense travel associated with the gig. In my teens, I settled on being a writer — although I had no idea the effort that would entail.
Not only am I a writer now, but I’m a writer in several different mediums. I’m a longtime newspaper reporter, an avid reader and a voracious science fiction fanatic.

Rating Report
Overall: three-stars

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