author: Lacey Weatherford
series: Of Witches and Warlocks #4
published: 28 July 2011
publisher: Moonstruck Media
genre(s): fantasy, romance
pages: 312
source: author
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | BookBub | Goodreads

the blurb
When Portia Mullins discovers the love of her life is still alive her heart soars. But reality sets in immediately causing it to plummet when she realizes he doesn’t remember his past life with her. Unwilling to give up, she embarks on a loving quest to restore his life to him.
Vance Mangum sees the beautiful girl claiming to be his wife, and while he can’t remember her, he can’t deny the intense pull he feels between them. Not knowing where else to turn, he agrees to give her the time she’s asked for and to assist her in the effort to recover his memories.
The two quickly reconnect, but dark surprises are lurking in the wings when Vance discovers a desperate longing for something he feels he can’t withstand. Will he be able to resist? Or will evil raise its head in a new form, leaving Portia as the prey of the very man her heart desires?
Darkness reigns supreme in this haunting tale of love and desperation, Of Witches and Warlocks, The Dark Rising.
my review
Dark and deadly dangerous. This fourth installment in the fantastic Of Witches and Warlocks series is filled with love and passion and loyalty. Twists and turns abound, leading to a completely unexpected conclusion. I just couldn’t put it down! I have been one of Lacey’s biggest fans from the moment I read the very first book, The Trouble With Spells. Portia and Vance share a swoon-worthy love that twists and turns but always remains constant. When the end of Blood of the White Witch left me shocked and wondering what could possibly happen next, The Dark Rising picked up the story with a bang not long after the third ended. Definately the darkest yet of the series, this latest book takes the story of Portia and Vance in a completely different direction.
There is nothing not to love about the characters in these novels. They are richly created and you are pulled in by them, regardless of their role in the story. Good or evil, they provoke you emotionally and make you a part of their story, I love a story that pulls you in that way, makes you feel as if you were a part of the story and these books do that with these characters. The suspense of this book was wonderful, twisting and turning throughout the story and leading to a completely unexpected conclusion. Now, I can’t wait until the next book!! The Dark Rising is out TODAY, so run, don’t walk, and get yourself a copy!
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