author: Lisa Becker
series: Click #2
published: 29 March 2013
publisher: eBookIt.com
genre(s): contemporary, romance
pages: 281
source: author
format: eARC
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | BookBub | StoryGraph | Goodreads

the blurb
Fans of the romantic hit Click: An Online Love Story will enjoy another voyeuristic dive into the lives of Renee, Shelley, Ashley, Mark and Ethan, as Double Click picks up with their lives six months later. Are Renee and Ethan soul mates? Does Mark ever go on a date? Has Shelley run out of sexual conquests in Los Angeles? Will Ashley's judgmental nature sabotage her budding relationship? Through a marriage proposal, wedding, new baby and unexpected love twist, Double Click answers these questions and more. Readers will continue to cheer, laugh, cry and cringe following the email exploits of Renee and friends.
my review
Double Click is the sequel to another fave of mine, Click, which I reviewed not too long ago here. Chick lit is not usually my thing, but I can’t help but love these books. Renee is the central character in the book, but each of the others has their own story, too, including a new character Cassie. Each one of them reminds the reader of someone they know in their own lives, both in good ways and in bad.
I absolutely love the author’s unique technique of telling the story entirely through emails that are sent between the friends. It seems like it would be hard to truly tell a full, well-rounded story that way, but it truly is.
Things to love…
- Renee and her friends. I absolutely love them. They are so different from one another and it keeps the story fun. They are often irreverent, but they are all so fiercely loyal to one another. Every one of them reminds me of someone in my own life.
- Ashley and her pregnancy. However annoying she may be to me, I love that there was a strain of seriousness with her postpartum issues of pregnancy.
- The story’s format. As I said before, it was fantastically fun. Every last bit of the story is told through emails, sometimes with disastrous results. It didn’t feel like a single thing was missing, even though there was, in reality, not one single scene that took place “live” and “in person.”
Wowee Wow! Thank you so much for the fantastic review. I’m thrilled to know you enjoyed Double Click so much and have found such an affection for the characters.