title: A Cinderella Christmas Carolauthor: Hope Tarrseries: Suddenly Cinderella #1.5 published: 18 November 2012
genre(s): contemporary,
romancepages: 59
source: book tourformat: eBookbuy/shelve it: Amazon |
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series rating: 
the blurb
There’s nothing On Top managing editor Cynthia “Starr” Starling hates more than Christmas. With an important deadline looming, plus her dreaded Christmas Day birthday, Starr just wants the holiday to end. But when she wakes up Christmas Eve night to the ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future—all in the form of the super-hot Matt Landry, the new art director—she knows she’s in for a long night.
Matt is the one person on Starr’s team she can’t boss around and the only one she doesn’t need to. He’s also her employee and totally off limits, even if he does seem interested. Though he’s seven years younger and all kinds of forbidden fruit, he’s the form the Powers That Be decided she’d be receptive to.
Because they have a message for her: learn the true meaning of Christmas spirit or risk being alone for the rest of her life.
my review
A Cinderella Christmas Carol is a holiday novella in the Suddenly Cinderella series by Hope Tarr. I haven’t yet read the first book in the series, Operation Cinderella, but I plan to now! This novella is centered around Starr who is all about work and not a lot about fun. Starr is cast as the Scrooge of Christmas time. Christmas Day, and her birthday, hold little meaning for her anymore so she is in need of her own personal Christmas ghost. Definitely a take on the Charles Dicken’s classic, this version is full of humor, too. And how could you have a “Cinderella” story without a great pair of shoes, too?!
Fun holiday read, and a quick one!
About Hope Tarr
I suppose you could say I’ve always been a dreamer. In my mind’s eye, I can still see my first-grade teacher shaking her head and scolding, “Hope, stop daydreaming and pay attention!”
I tried, really I did. But how could the dreary assignment on the chalkboard begin to lure me away from the dashing Disney fairy-tale figures populating my head? Cinderella and Prince Charming, Snow White and Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty and Pr—
Well, you get the picture.
In middle school, I “graduated” from romance a la Walt Disney to grownup love stories by the likes of Victoria Holt, Anya Seton, and Daphne Du Maurier. Someday, I promised myself as I thumbed through my dog-eared copy of “Forever Amber,” I’d write a romance novel of my very own.
That dream has weathered a Master’s degree in Psychology, a Ph.D. in Education, a four year stint as a federal government research consultant, and several years as a freelance writer. In 1994 I finally packed up my graduate school texts, purchased Kathryn Falk’s small, pink paperback entitled How to Write a Romance and Get It Published and joined the Romance Writers of America. I’ve never looked back.
As a romance writer, I get to spin fairy-tales of my very own—life-affirming stories in which the hero and heroine find not only their soul mate but their souls into the bargain. And much like fiction, “real” life comes with its share of twists and turns. In 2008 I packed up myself, including cats and books, and quit the quaint historic town of Fredericksburg, Virginia for the Big Apple—talk about a big change! I’m entering my second year in the city and for those of you who follow my blog, you know the move to Manhattan has worked out to a Happily Ever After best. I’m looking forward to a new year, and a new decade, filled with good times, good friends, and yes, good (romance) fiction.
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