12.23.2023 | Saturday

Freaky Sights

category: Book Reviews

Freaky Sightstitle: Freaky Sights
author: Amanda M. Lee
series: Mystic Caravan #13
published: 1 February 2022
publisher: WinchesterShaw Publications
genre(s): cozy mystery, paranormal
pages: 297
source: library
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | BookHype | Goodreads

rating: four-stars | series rating: four-stars

the blurb

Mystic Caravan Circus is on the move after their winter break. First stop? Moonstone Bay. Poet Parker and crew are looking for a permanent location because traveling won’t be an option for much longer. They’re expecting a normal trip.They’re getting so much more … including a mystery.The day after they arrive, a body drops in the ditch across from the city park, and what follows is a series of bone-chilling events that revolve around the island’s children. It seems something weird is causing them to act out of sorts … and they might just have murder on their minds.Moonstone Bay is a magical place and Poet feels a kinship with the land and people who live there almost immediately. Unfortunately, the terror stalking the island isn’t something that can be ignored.Poet has to band together with the island inhabitants – including a feisty witch and fiery half-demon – to figure out what’s happening. Their research leads them to an ancient story about a possessing demon, and the villages he left decimated in his wake.Poet is strong. Her new friends make her stronger. If Moonstone Bay is ultimately to be their home, she’s going to have to go all out to protect it.Two teams are coming together to fight a war. It’s going to take all of them to ensure a happy ending.Buckle up. Things are about to get wicked on Moonstone Bay.

  • a few notes
  • review

content warning: ❗some graphic violence❗

POV: 1st person
keywords/phrases: magic, demons, shifters, witches, sirens
spice: 0🔥
language: 0🤬

This is a crossover with the author’s companion series, Moonstone Bay, which I haven’t yet read. This is the circus’ first trip to the bay, and it is an action-packed visit. The circus has to combine forces with the local paranormals to save the island’s residents from an ancient demon determined to destroy it all. Raven’s fear is palpable in this one, which gave the series a deep and dark edge that I quite enjoyed!

About Amanda M. Lee

When I was a kid, I was torn between whether or not I was going to grow up and be the Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman. I flirted with being a Jedi Knight for awhile, but I wasn’t up for the intense travel associated with the gig. In my teens, I settled on being a writer — although I had no idea the effort that would entail.
Not only am I a writer now, but I’m a writer in several different mediums. I’m a longtime newspaper reporter, an avid reader and a voracious science fiction fanatic.

Rating Report
Overall: four-stars
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