11.30.2021 | Tuesday

Winds of Change

category: Book Reviews

Winds of Changetitle: Winds of Change
author: Mercedes Lackey
series: Mage Winds #2
published: 1 August 1993
publisher: DAW
genre(s): fantasy
pages: 475
source: bought
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | BookBub | StoryGraph | Goodreads

rating: five-stars | series rating: five-stars

the blurb

In The Mage Winds trilogy, which began with the best-selling novel, Winds of Fate, author Mercedes Lackey continues the epic that started with her first published book, Arrows of the Queen introduced readers to the remarkable land of Valdemar, the kingdom protected by its Heralds--men and women gifted with extraordinary mind powers--aided and served by their mysterious Companions--horselike beings who know the many secrets of Valdemar's magical heritage. None but the Companions remember the long-ago age when high magic was lost to Valdemar as the last Herald-Mage gave his life to protect his kingdom from destruction by dark sorceries. But now the protective barrier set so long ago over Valdemar is crumbling, and with the realm imperiled by the dark magic of Ancar of Hardorn, Princess Elspeth, Herald and heir to the throne, has gone on a desperate quest in search of a mentor who can teach her to wield her fledgling mage-powers and help her to defend her threatened kingdom.

my review

Winds of Change takes place immediately following Winds of Fate. There is a lot of action in this book as the K’Sheyna Vale finally reaches out to the Tayledras of the K’Treva Vale, desperately in need of more mage help than the former has to deal with the fractured Heartstone. K’Treva hears their call and sends them Firesong, an extremely powerful Healing Adept. And he is the epitome of a bright and colorful character, and I love him. Nyara, whom I loved and sympathized with during the first book, spends much of this book away from the others. Her character arc was beautiful to read as she finally has the opportunity to come into her own.

Darkwind and Elspeth are the epitome of my favorite kind of couple. I’m a cynic when it comes to romance. Instalove, unbalanced dynamics… all of that makes me roll my eyes and cringe. But the couples Lackey creates aren’t like that. Perhaps it’s because both partners are independent and distinct characters in their own right, with more to live for than their partner. And that is something I truly love!

About Mercedes Lackey

Mercedes entered this world on June 24, 1950, in Chicago, had a normal childhood and graduated from Purdue University in 1972. During the late 70’s she worked as an artist’s model and then went into the computer programming field, ending up with American Airlines in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In addition to her fantasy writing, she has written lyrics for and recorded nearly fifty songs for Firebird Arts & Music, a small recording company specializing in science fiction folk music.

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