Welcome to the Moirai Blog Tour!
I have been in love with this series from the moment I began to read Aberrant (the first book) so I am thrilled to be a part of this tour! These books are some of best I’ve read this year!
About the Book
Title: Moirai
Series: Aberrant, Book #2
Genre: new adult, science fiction, dystopian fantasy
Pages: about 246
Published: September 2013
Publisher: LazyDay Publishing (ebook), Patchwork Press (print)
A little blurbage…
Olivia has been on the run from the government of Cabal since the marriage ceremony. Finally settling in and finding herself a place to call home in Shadow, Olivia and Joshua prepare for the uprising that they and the rebel alliance have been planning for months.
With new abilities and special talents from Mindonsiphan, Olivia learns she can do more than most ordinary eighteen year olds. Learning both to hide and perfect her skills will be one of the biggest challenges she’ll be forced to face.
A constant rollercoaster of emotion and adventure await Olivia and Joshua as they embark on a journey to the rebel city of Torv, and what was once home, Genesis.
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Read an Excerpt
My feet crunched on weeds as I pushed my way through the waist-high grasses towards the river. It was rare anyone ventured outside of Shadow. In most cases leaving wasn’t permitted. Was I breaking the rules by being here? I didn’t know the answer to that question and hoped I wouldn’t find out. Bending down, my body hid among the grasses as I dipped my bare feet into the water. I shivered and grimaced, scrunching my nose from the sensation. As quick as my feet had dipped into the icy cold water, I pulled them out. With a slight splash I heard a rustling in the distance.
“Who’s there?” My voice echoed as I stood. I wasn’t afraid. Shadow was my home. Although I’d ventured from the town, it wasn’t far. I glanced in the direction of Shadow and could barely make out the community. Perhaps I’d traveled further than I thought.
The grass shifted in the distance and I felt my heart skip a beat. My eyes widened as I quickly took off for town. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. Gasping for breath, I refused to slow down. Whether it was an animal or an outlaw, I wasn’t waiting around to find out. Swiftly, I headed for Shadow. My knees lifted higher off the ground with each bare step I took. I didn’t turn around but I could hear the pounding of weight against grass. Whoever or whatever was behind me wasn’t small or light and they were gaining on me. I didn’t have time to scream as I felt a large body coming down hard on top of me. My face slammed into the grass, scratching my cheek as I gasped for breath. “Help!” The words barely left my lips as my head lolled up from the ground; someone ripped at my hair and slammed me fast back into the grass. I bit my bottom lip, tasting dirt as I jammed my elbow behind me. I had to think fast. I’d spent months in Shadow training and now was the time to use it!
“Having fun yet?” the voice echoed into my ear. The whispered breath made me shudder. I didn’t recognize the voice. Was I supposed to? I couldn’t turn my head around, no matter how hard I tried.
About the Author
Ruth Silver attended Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Communication in the spring of 2005. While in college, she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004.
Silver enjoys reading, photography, traveling and most of all writing. She loves dystopian and fantasy young adult stories. She currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

A Giveaway
The Rest of the Tour
October 7th – Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
October 8th – Books for a Delicate Eternity
October 9th – #Book Nerd, Book Crushin
October 10th – Morphys Book Blog
October 11th – Musings of a Book Addict, Lisa Writes
October 12th – Peace, Love and Fangirl, Kimberly Faye Reads
October 13th – Lose Time Reading, Rochelle Barlow, Author, Books for Birds & Books for Birds
October 14th – A World of Words, The Passionate Bookworms, Gliding Eyes
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