author: Kay Grayson
published: 19 March 2011
publisher: Little Cat Publishing
genre(s): fantasy
pages: 263
source: author
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | StoryGraph | Goodreads

the blurb
Georgia Ramson had enough problems in her life--she couldn't keep a job, couldn't keep a relationship, and was about out of money. On top of that, she suffered from debilitating visions that often left her dazed, confused, or without memory of her actions or whereabouts. But when a creepy, malformed man passes her a message that she is the owner of a large piece of land, her life takes a turn for the strange and mysterious.
Not only does Georgia discover that she owns land, but on her land she finds elves. And the knowledge these elves have kept hidden from the world may be the key to helping her discover the secrets of her past, to unravel the peculiarities of her present, and perhaps even lead the way to a brighter, if odder, future.
Now, if only she could get them to start using their seatbelts and keep them out of prison, life might be pretty good indeed...
my review
Elves in the Meadow, Trolls in the Corn is the first adult novel published by author Kay Grayson, following four children’s picture books. It is also the first in the Georgia Ramson series. The title had me hooked before I even began reading! Set in the unlikely locale of Indiana, it is a completely engrossing tale of elves, trolls, and other magical creatures in a fight to save their magic. Georgia Ramson, a mother of three with a mysterious past, was an emotionally damaged woman that was easy to relate to and to love from the very beginning. The story followed not only the magical creatures fight for survival, but Georgia’s fight to discover her own strength and find her way through life. From the moment I began reading, I was hard pressed to put it down, even for sleep!
The story was extremely well written and brought you into the story with ease. Using rural Indiana as a backdrop for the story was incredibly unique, literally putting trolls, elves and nymphs in our own backyard. Not only was there the classically, and well done, universal “good vs. evil” theme, there was a lot of humor in the interaction between the characters. I absolutely can’t wait for the next book in the series. If you love a good urban rural fantasy, then you will love this book!!
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