author: Laura Howard
series: The Danaan Trilogy #2
published: 2014-04-21
publisher: Finding Bliss Publishing
pages: 163
| series rating:

Welcome to the Release Day Blitz for Stone of Destiny!
Today is the release day for author Laura Howard’s second book in The Danaan Triology, Stone of Destiny! I absolutely loved the first book in the series, so I am happy to be a part of sharing this new book with you all!
About the Book
[color-box]Allison thought it was crazy enough when she found out her father, Liam, wasn’t entirely human. But now she has to join his magical allies to unravel his former mistress’s plans. Aoife wants to keep Allison’s parents apart forever.
Despite Allison’s efforts to keep Ethan, the only guy she’s ever cared about, out of this supernatural mess, fate keeps throwing him back into the mix.
Will Allison be able to find the amulet that holds the enchantment Aoife placed on Liam and destroy it? Are Ethan’ s feelings for Allison strong enough to endure the magic of the Tuatha De Danaan?[/color-box]
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The Rest of the Series
You can read my review of the first book of the series here.
The Forgotten Ones
Book One in The Danaan Trilogy
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