11.25.2020 | Wednesday

I Can Be a Better You

category: Book Reviews

I Can Be a Better Youtitle: I Can Be a Better You
author: Tarryn Fisher
published: 22 October 2018
publisher: self-published
genre(s): thrillers
pages: 209
source: bought
format: eBook
buy/shelve it: Amazon | StoryGraph | Goodreads

rating: five-stars

the blurb

When Fig Coxbury buys a house on West Barrett Street, it's not because she likes the neighborhood, or even because she likes the house. It's because everything she desires is next door: The husband, the child, and the life that belongs to someone else.

my review

This book… where do I start? Pure, unadulterated insanity. Jealousy, obsession, twists and turns, this book has all of it. This book is one of those that will leave you wondering exactly what it is you just read, in a fabulous way.

There are shades of Single White Female in this book, with the themes of obsession and wanting of someone else’s life. But in a lot of ways, Fig also reminded me of Joe from Carolyn Kepnes’ You. It was in the way her feelings for Jolene and Darius (a married couple upon whom she’s fixated) changed from moment to moment. From envy to resentment to almost hatred, always with the thread of obsession.

Although the story was told in three parts from the perspectives of each of them, I found Fig’s own part to be the most chilling, even as she described her own behavior. There was such a disconnect with her character, and that made the story that much more intense.

There is so much more I want to say, but I don’t want to spoil the ride for anyone else! If you like a dark, twisted psychological thriller, this is a fantastic book to read!

About Tarryn Fisher

I would like to write a novel that every, single person loves, but not even J.K. Rowling could do that. Instead, I try to write stories that pull on people’s emotions. I believe that sadness is the most powerful emotion, and swirled with regret the two become a dominating force. I love villains. Three of my favorites are Mother Gothel, Gaston and the Evil Queen who all suffered from a pretty wicked case of vanity (like me). I like to make these personality types the center of my stories.
I love rain, Coke, Starbucks and sarcasm. I hate bad adjectives and the word “smolder”. If you read my book-I love you. If you hate my book-I still love you, but please don’t be mean to me; I’m half badass, half cry baby.

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