Welcome to the My Frankenstein Book Tour!
Today I am honored to host a stop on the My Frankenstein book tour. This is a wonderful book and one of my commenters will win a Kindle copy of it, so be sure to leave your email. Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified by Bewitching Book Tours! Giveaway ends at midnight EST Sunday!

Guest Post by Michael Lee
If there’s anything that keeps me up at night it’s the first lines, first paragraphs and first chapters of a new novel.
You hear the voice in your head saying, “You never have a second chance to make a first impression.”
You want to yell back, “I know! I know!”
And how do you make a good first impression? There are so many things you have to get done. You want to drop the audience in the middle of the action but how are they going to identify with a character they just met? And if they can’t identify with him or her how are they going to be excited by the action? And you have to set up everything. And the concept has to be crystal clear. And the main plot has to be underway. And you have to end that first chapter perfectly. There has to a be a cliffhanger that makes people want to find out what happens next.
I reiterate, Ugggh!
That’s why I go over every word of the beginning. Is this strong enough? Is this clear enough? I’m self critical. I think most writers are. And sometimes maybe we can over think our work. Sometimes I’ll hold back on making a change. But not in the beginning. In the beginning it’s anything goes. And if I have to rip up the whole works and start over again, well I’ve done that a few times.
Your middle may be great! The finale may be unbelievable!
If your opening isn’t working it doesn’t matter!
You’d think going the indie route I wouldn’t be so paranoid about openings. Wrong! It just makes it a hundred times worse. You no longer have that editor telling you to spruce up the first chapter. You no longer have an outside person to tell you the language needs to be more active. It’s all on your head. Any mistakes at this point are 100% your responsibility. Some people honestly can’t take that level of responsibility with regards to their work.
But now it’s out. It’s been brought to market. It’s selling.
So was I right? Is my opening superb? How about the rest of the book?
I have my opinion.
But there’s only one way for you to find out, isn’t there?
For my review of My Frankenstein, click here.
For the book trailer, click here.
For the blog tour schedule, click here.
(Brought to you by Bewitching Book Tours!)
The books sounds really awesome, yesum it does!!
This book looks like it’ll be really fascinating to read.
Congrats to Krysta for winning the free giveaway copy of My Frankenstein. I certainly hope Donovan and all the C Diva fans out there will also pick up a copy at Amazon!
Thanks for having me on the Caffeinated Diva. It was a blast!