The Secret of Sweet Treats Kingdom

Author: Kim Davis
Series: The Board Game Chronicles, #1
Publication date: January 30th 2024
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Middle-Grade
Book includes a fun recipe for kids!
Amber Addison is fed up with her kindergartener sister. It’s Ava’s fault she’s missing her best friend’s birthday party, the most anticipated event in their sixth-grade class. To make matters worse, Ava has coerced her into playing Sweet Treats board game and she keeps losing to a five-year-old. When Amber’s irritation gets the best of her, she throws the game, destroying it.
As the board disintegrates, the two girls are swept into a swirling vortex and they find themselves in the middle of Sweet Treats kingdom. Ava is kidnapped by an evil queen, and Amber finds herself relying on a mint-green rabbit to help her find her way to Bonbon Castle with the hope of finding her sister. Along the way, she encounters more sweets than she could ever eat along with fantastical beings. Some will become her friend and others create danger that she must survive in order to save her sister and find their way home.
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an excerpt
Finally, our fall felt like it was slowing, almost like we were floating with a parachute instead of freefall. I could hear our screams again. We plunged into bright sunlight and immediately started bouncing after landing on something blue and jiggly. Jell-O? The super trampoline looked and smelled like blue raspberry Jell-O!
I tried to stop my bouncing so we could make our way off but, with each movement, my feet left the surface, and I pulled Ava into the air with me. Thinking we could hop toward the side didn’t work either. The trampoline threw us one way and then another, no matter what direction we tried to go. The surface was enormous, maybe about the size of a football field, and we were right in the middle. This would take a long time to get off. So far Ava hadn’t said a word. I think she was trying to keep from being tossed around like a ragdoll every time I bounced.
I finally crossed my legs in front of me, crisscross-applesauce style, so my bottom landed on the Jell-O. This time we didn’t bounce so high, but it still took a minute to sit without springing back into the air.
“Are you okay?” I looked her over to make sure she wasn’t injured. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“I don’t think so.” Ava’s lower lip was quivering, and her cheeks were bright pink, while her baby-blue eyes were threatening to spill over with tears. “Why is the sun shining? It’s nighttime at home.”
“I don’t know, baby.” I know, first shrimp and now baby. Shrimp was reserved for when I was really annoyed with her, which was most of the time. Baby was for special moments when I was really glad I had a sister. Like now. “Let’s get off this thing and see if we can find out.”
“Where are we? How are Mom and Dad going to find us?” Her little voice squeaked, and shiny liquid rolled down her cheeks. “I think we’re lost, and they won’t ever find us.”
“Don’t forget Dad’s the best detective in all of Orange County.” I gave her a hug. “Remember, he’s getting that award tonight? Detective Addison, super hero! If anyone can find us, he can.”
I had serious doubts he’d be able to find us, unless that swirling vortex was still open when my parents got home. Somehow, I knew we weren’t in Orange County or even California anymore. Hopefully, someone in this strange place could tell us how to find our way home. But I wasn’t going to worry Ava about that detail, especially since I had no idea how we got here or where we were.
I rolled over to my hands and knees and crawled toward the side, with Ava beside me. As long as we moved slowly, we didn’t bounce too much. The surface of the bouncy thing was slippery, though, and I saw her do a face plant when her hands slid out from beneath her. I was expecting more tears, but instead she giggled.
“You’ve got to taste this! It’s Jell-O, and it’s yummy.” Ava started licking the bouncing Jell-O.
“Gross! You don’t know who or what has been on this thing.” I jerked her back onto her hands and knees and pushed her toward the grass.
It was slow going, but we finally made it to the side. Instead of finding green grass, though, it was shredded coconut that had been tinted green. Ava had to eat some as soon as she saw it and smelled the sugar. That kid had a sweet tooth that just wouldn’t quit. “You’ve got to try this. It tastes like the grass Mom makes at Easter for our cupcakes!”

about the author

Kim Davis lives in Southern California with her husband and mini Goldendoodle puppy, Missy. When she’s not spending time with her granddaughters or chasing the puppy around, she can be found either writing on her next book, or working on her blog, Cinnamon, Sugar, and a Little Bit of Murder, or in the kitchen baking up yummy treats to share.
She also writes the Cupcake Catering cozy mystery series, the Aromatherapy Apothecary Mystery series, The Board Game Chronicles middle grade series, and a suspense novel, A Game of Deceit, written under K. A. Davis, along with several children’s nature articles in a variety of magazines.
Kim Davis is a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
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