author: Kayt Miller
published: 15 April 2017
publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
genre(s): romance
pages: 214
source: client
format: manuscript
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | Goodreads

the blurb
Abby Finnegan is in love. Sure, she’s young, but how old do you need to be to fall in love? Love is timeless, after all. Jake Dill is the most beautiful and perfect boy that has ever lived, and he will love Abby…someday. She’s sure of it.
The only thing standing in her way is his humongous family and his evil brother, Max. It’s okay. Her best friend, Margie, is Jake’s sister. She’ll help her win her one true love and make the horror that is Max Dill tolerable. That’s what best friends are for, right?
reading challenges:
- 2020 Alphabet Soup
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