2023 Fairytale Reading Challenge

2023 Fairytale Reading Challenge

2023 Fairytale Reading Challenge

Host: Charity Rau
Progress: 0/12 (0%)
1 January, 2023 — 31 December, 2023

In this In this challenge, the goal is to read an original fairytale, or a retelling, for each montly prompt. You can read more about the challenge here.

the prompts

  1. January/Snow White
  2. February/The Twelve Dancing Princesses
  3. March/The Six Swans
  4. April/Alice in Wonderland
  5. May/Toads and Diamonds
  6. June/Pinocchio
  7. July/Arabian Nights
  8. August/The Frog Prince
  9. September/Rapunzel
  10. October/Sleepy Hollow
  11. November/Sleeping Beauty
  12. December/The Snow Queen

None yet!

::spread the love::