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Break My Bones Blitz

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Break My Bones Blitz

Break My Bones

Author: Rachael Tamayo
Series: Deadly Sins, #1
Publication date: June 6th 2024
Genres: Adult, Thriller

Three years ago Brooklyn James ran for her life with her toddler in tow. Now, her estranged husband, Cain, is back. Brooklyn will be forced to decide, will she run once again, or stand her ground and face the devil himself?

Brook is the manager of a popular Dallas Nightclub, mother, and wife. Three years later she and her daughter are back on their feet and things for her are going better than she imagined when she was forced to run for her life from her husband Cain and ended up homeless with a toddler to protect. Despite her current success, spending every waking moment watching for his inevitable return has taken its toll on the young mother.

Cain James has been released from a three-year stint in prison, and has hooked back up with his lifelong best friend, Donovan. With money in hand due to a substantial inheritance after his father’s death, and the support of the man that has always helped him when he needed it most, he’s got a plan to win back his wife, by any means necessary.

As Cain becomes a man undone by obsession and descents slowly into madness, Brook must watch virtually helplessly and decide, will she run from him again, or stand this time, risking everything?


an excerpt

I’d kill him. I’d pull the trigger and watch the brains and bone blow out of his head, his face fall apart, the last look of shock and fear just as his soul departs. I’d do it again and again and feel nothing but relief. If I had the gun back, or knew where he stashed it, I’d do it. I’d get out of this shower and do it right fucking now.

But I don’t know, and I’m in hell. How can you hate a man so much that you once loved with all your soul? I think sometimes that’s the only way. You can’t really hate someone unless you once loved them. Two sides of the same coin.

I run my hands over my hair, cut crooked and blunt just above the shoulder. It feels strange in my hands when I touch it, washing it. He told me he’d take me in the morning for a proper haircut—one he approves, I’m sure.

Will he? Will I want to go?

No, I won’t.

I consider shaving my head bald to teach him a lesson, staring at the razor in the corner of the shower. Then I consider the beating, the blood, the missing teeth, and I let the thought wash down the drain.

Brandon. I close my eyes to remember him, to find a piece of his memory to calm the hate that is turning me black and putrid from the inside out. Did Brandon get my note? Did he go to the police? Will they come through this door soon, saving me from this insanity?

God, I don’t know what to do. The need to fix this, to come up with some idea to get us out of this, is smothering, but I know that there’s nothing I can do. He’d find me, maybe kill me this time. But I do know one thing for certain: if he wakes and I’m not beside him, I’m in trouble. I turn off the water, dry off and dress how I know he wants, and climb back into bed in just his shirt and my panties.

Losing my dignity to keep my blood inside my body and my teeth in my mouth. It’s nothing I’m not used to.

about the author

Rachael Tamayo is the bestselling author of the award-winning Deadly Sins Series, and award-winning thriller, Crazy Love, among several other titles. Before she started her writing career, she was a highly awarded 911 emergency services dispatcher with twelve years of experience and many commendations under her belt. Upon exiting law enforcement, she focused her writing career on the dark, suspenseful, and psychological after beginning as a romance author. Now Rachael uses her dark thriller as a sort of self-therapy after all those years answering 911 calls and works all that she knows and was exposed to into the frighteningly realistic and layered characters her readers know and love her for. Rachael lives on the Texas Gulf Coast in Houston, Texas with her husband and their two children.

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