author: Michelle Rowen
series: Nightwatchers #2
published: 1 March 2013
genre(s): fantasy, romance
pages: 444
source: NetGalley
format: eARC
buy/shelve it: Amazon | B&N | BookBub | Goodreads

the blurb
My kiss can kill.
I used to be ordinary Samantha Day, but that's changed. Now, after one dark kiss from a dangerous boy, I can steal someone's soul…or their life. If I give in to the constant hunger inside me, I hurt anyone I kiss. If I don't…I hurt myself.
Bishop is the one whose kiss I crave most, but if I kiss him, I'll kill him. Then there's another boy, one I can't hurt. One whose kiss seems to miraculously quell my hunger. They're both part of a team of angels and demons that's joined forces in my city to fight a mysterious rising darkness, an evil that threatens everyone I know and love. I just wonder if I'll be able to help Bishop—or if I'm just another part of the darkness he's sworn to destroy….
NIGHTWATCHERS: When angels and demons must work together, something beyond evil is rising…
my review
Wicked Kiss is the second book in the Nightwatchers series by author Michelle Rowan. The cover of this newest novel is just as stunning as that of Dark Kiss. Pretty gorgeous!
The “insta-love” in this book has definitely been tempered. There are issues with Bishop and Samantha, and then there is Kraven…! I wont go into that too much, avoiding spoilers, but suffice it say he plays a more pivotal role in this book. He’s a demon, so he is supposed to be the bad guy, but I love him! I left this book feeling like he was more of angel than Bishop, an actual angel. There are some new characters this time, with secrets and stories of their own. There was a lot more action in this book, more intrigue and more twists and turns. As much as I loved the first book, this one was, in my opinion, even better. Just about everyone had secrets in this book, big secrets that kept me guessing. There were a lot of surprises, too, a lot of things happening that I didn’t see coming!
Like the first book, I read Wicked Kiss in one sitting because I just couldn’t let go of the story. It has a different take on the “angels and demons” theme, different from a lot of the other “angels and demons” YA I have read. The ending is going to leave you wanting next book NOW! It is due out 26 February 2013!
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